Лекційно-практичне заняття
Тема: "Тваринництво як галузь сільського господарства"
Мета відкритого заняття: Із досвіду використання між предметних зв'язків з іноземної мови
Навчальна мета: ознайомити студентів з професійною лексикою за темою, вміти використовувати її під час опрацювання тренувальних вправ
Методичне обладнання: таблиця, картки з індивідуальними завданнями ТЗН: магнітофон
1. Б. Моос "Збірник текстів на англійській мові" Київ, "Вища школа", 1979.
2. А.В. Парахіна, підручники англійської мови, Москва, "Вища школа", 1987.
3. "Російсько-англійський розмовник", Волгоград "Універсал", 1992
Stage 1
Організаційний момент
1) Who is on duty today?
2) Who is absent today?
3) What is the day today?
4) What was the hometask for today?
5) Is the group ready for lesson?
Stage 2 Warning-up
(Опрацювання лексичного матеріалу по темі "Crop production".)
Vocabulary practice
Agriculture - (сільськогосподарський) с/г;
to grow - вирощувати;
crop production - рослинництво;
animal husbandry - тваринництво;
breeding, raising - розведення;
dairy cattle - молочна велика рогата худоба;
beef cattle - м'ясна велика рогата худоба;
nutritious products - поживні продукти;
livestock - худоба;
plant - рослина;
soil - грунт;
environment - навколишнє середовище;
favourable - сприятливий;
manufacturing goods - виробництво товарів.
Stage 3
Активізація матеріалу по темі "Agriculture. Crop production". Qustion for discussion:
1) What is agriculture?
2) What are the two main branches of agriculture?
3) What is crop production?
4) What is animal husbandry?
5) What do plants supply us with?
6) What does the soil produce for man?
7)How many groups of crops do you know?
8) What is pomology?
9) The production of what fruits does the pomology embrace?
10) What vegetables do you know?
Vocabulary practice:
Group these words into four columns:
I. Food crops;
II. Feed crops;
III. Industrial crops;Vegetables.
Wheet, clower, flax, alfalfa, rice, timothy, hemp, barley, vetch, vegetables, buckweat, rye, sugar beet, potato, tea, coffe, cotton, grapes,millet.
Stage 4 in Put the text;
Focus on content. "The teachers introductory word":
We have already spoken about animal husbandry. Repeat once more please.
What is animal husbandry?
So, domestic animals are kept for the production of human food. Besides the skin of animals, down and feathers of poultry, the wool and skin of goats and camels are used as raw materials to produce leather, clothing. The most important group of animals is formed by cattle.
Stage 5 in put the text;
focus on content listening and reading the text chosen for its informational content + task.
Domestic Animals
Domestic animals are kept for the production of human food. Besides the skin of animals down and feathers of poultry, the wool of sheep, goats and camels are used as raw materials to produce leather, clothing, ets. The most important group of domestic animals is formed by the cattle. Cattle can be roughly subdivided into draft cattle, dairy cattle, beef cattle and dual purpose cattle.
Draft cattle (oxen, as a rale) have almost everywhere been replaced by agricultural machinery. Dairy cattle (caws) provide dairy products (milk, butter, cream, cheese, ets.). Beef cattle are the producer of beef. Dual purpose cattle give as both milk and beef.
Impotant sources in producing human food are also sheep-breeding, hog-raising, rabbit-breeding, apiculture, and some other minor branches.
Sheep provide not only mutton and dairy products (cheese, for example); the wool and skin of sheep are valuable raw materials for producing clothes. There are accordingly 2 main types of sheep-breeding: for wool and for mutton. There is also a medium breed: the wool-mutton breed. The production cycle of hogs (swine) is much shorter than that of cattle or sheep. Hog-breeding gives a vast range of food stuffs: bacon, ham, lard, sausage, ets. The skin of pigs and their bristles are also used in manufacturing goods.
To poultry belong hens, geese, ducks, turkeys and some other fowls.
Rabbits are bred for meat, ant their fells find an application in producing clothing. The bee is the only producer of honey and wax. Bee-keeping also plays an import ant role in agronomy and in medicine.
can be roughly subdivided — можливо приблизно підрозділити;
dual purpose cattle — м'ясомолочні ВРХ;
have almost everywhere been replaced — майже повсюди;
minor branches — другорядні галузі;
manufacturing goods — виробництво товарів;
the only — єдиний.
Stage 6
Language or communication practice
Controlled activities to practice the points presented at stage 5.
Exercises # 1
Answer the following questions:
1) What ate domestic animals kept for?
2) What is the most injportant grqup of domestic animals?
3) How can cattle be subdivided into?
4) What are minor branches of animal hasbendry?
5) What does a sheep provide us with?
6) What kindt)f poultry do you know?
7) What is the main producer of honey and wax?
8) Do your parents keep any domestic animals?
9) What does the hen provide?
Exercises #2
Finde the synonyms to the words of the left column, read them:
1 apiculture 1. bird-breeding
2. beef 2. manufacturing
3. breeding 3. fell
4. poultry-raising 4. bee-keeping
5. pig-breeding 5. meat
6. production 6. raising
7. skin 7. hog-raising
Exercises #3
Chose from the list В Ukrainian equivalents to the words of list A: A. 1. raw material, 2. draft cattle, 3. dairy cattle, 4. to provide, 5. beef cattle, 6. dual purpose cattle.
Choose the right answer
1). Domestic animals are kepi for the production of...
a) cosmetics
b) human food
c) agricultural machinery.
2). Beef caule are the producer of...
a) milk
b) cream
c) beef.
3). Hog-breeding gives a vast range of food stub s:
a) ham, bacon, lard, sausage
b) milk, butter, cream
c)eggs, down, feathers.
4). Sheep provide ...
a) honey and wax
b) mutton and dairy products
c) bacon, lard, sausage.
5). To poultry belong ...
a) draft cattle
b) sheep
c) hens, geese, ducks, turkeys.
6). Poultry provide ...
a) meat, eggs
b) dairy products
c) raw materials to produce clothing.
7). Rabbits find its application in producing
a) down and feathers
b) meat and fells
c) ham and lard.
8). The bee is the only producer of
a) meal and eggs
b) down and feathers
c) honey and wax.
9). ... also plays an impoi. nt role in agronomy and medicine.
a) rabbit-breeding
b) apiculture
c) hog-raising
10). Dairy cattle provide such dairy products as:
a) milk, butter, cream
b) honey, wax
c) sausage, lard, ham, bacon.